How She Became Sexy Love and Why…. Nasera Kamara is a star.

A brilliant start to every successful actor life means success but a struggling start to any actor life means history. As we all know...

Without Quincy B Did They Lost Their Vibes or are they Addlepated Based on...

The sick part about life amongst youths is called PI. let us look at what PI means in this writing before we conclude to...

Pious Pushing his idea else where in frustration from Floyd Nation.

Why is it that many great and talented artists in Liberia are having issues with management? Here’s one of Liberia's once-trending young artists from...

Fans Frowns on Cece and Boyfriend

Things are getting a little nasty as fans and supporters lash back at Cece Maintain and her super fly boyfriend(Rich Man) for taking a...

Fan share tears for artist lifestyle due to lack of better life – Who’s...

Music around the world seems to be one of the best ways to make any nation be seen as a place where good things...

A Short Note On Friday The Cell Phone Man

Seven years ago, Friday The CellPhone man left Paynesville City, 12 houses community, leaving his family, friends and loved ones. One of Liberia's best culture...