This morning, one of Liberia’s renowned human rights advocates, Titus B. Pakalah remind the general public about cases of several mysterious death that have not been taken seriously by the government of Liberia. In a general post, he showed out images and listed 10 others that were sodomized till today’s date nothing has come out of it. With these names being listed, there will certainly be a called for justice as one blow, for which the camping of justice is already overtaking the entire Social media in demand for Mitchell who was sodomized recently and nothing has come out of the case.
Human rights under the brach of the United Nations need to have their eyes open to the cry of these activists who are crying out not for just those that are sodomized but others who will be if nothing is done now. Below is a huge write up from Titus Pakalah.
As we prepare to March on July 19, 2021, to demand for justice for Mitchell (and others) who was sodomized to death on May 28, 2021–here are Ten mysterious deaths of children and women in 2021:

1, The woman you see here is Florence Massaquoi (46-years-old), a resident of Rock Hill, GSA Community who was found dead at a dumb site. The mysterious and most secret circumstances leading to the death of Florence is that: She was drugged and gang-raped from the anus and vagina. This is something the homicide investigators will not disclose before they are covering major human rights violations to please international organizations. For the record, up till now since Florence was murdered, the Police has failed to announce this circumstance. That’s why we will protest on July 19, 2021.

2, Jospeh Kollie (12-year-old) is one of the victims of child abuse—jospeh was slaughtered by his father’s security who allegedly held money from few cult members in exchange of sensitive body parts. Joseph was seen dead on January 1, 2021 with body parts missing, such as nose, lips, penis, eyes and fingers. The Police Arrested the father and security then later released them when they were informed that the little child’s death was financed by big hands(perhaps government officials, or ritual guys).

3, Alex (as identified) was found dead in the churbar community in Paynesville—his death was one of the saddest instances of deaths I’ve encountered as a rights campaigner, Alex killers were interested in blood, so they allegedly drove far from his home, where no one could identify and drugged him then use tube and connected the tube with a syringe to inject him and took his blood. That equipment were seen on the remains of Alex! Police didn’t tell you about the incident or its investigation. That’s why we will March on July 19, 2021!
4, “Gloria” as known was found dead with her pants shoved in her mouth along the SKD Boulevard road in Monrovia. She was killed on March 1, 2021. Her remains were seen in a prone position with legs open widely and bled profusely from both ears and mouth. Why did the police fail to inform the public about this case?
5, Little Mitchell was sodomized to death on May 28, 2021 in the patty town community. His killer broke his hands, sodomized him, burst his eyes, according to a preliminary investigation. A Liberian National Police released all five prime suspects without concluding its investigation and forcefully turn over the remains of Mitchell to his poor family for burial. The Government of Liberia has since failed to provide his medical report but requested US$10 for storage fees for Mitchell’s remains.
The Government wants to score a clean human relights records by 2022 and 2023, by hiding major deaths across Liberia.

6, A 14-year-old girl was raped and impregnated by a 45 year old man in Margibi County. Her perpetrator gave her an abortion pill unknowingly while walking to a nearby market, the girl had an unprecedented miscarriage! This involved the death of her child. Guess what? The police arrested this fool and lately released him! See his picture attached!
7, on June 11, 2021, a 4 year old child was found dead his remains was shockingly seen in a local garage in Duport Road, Master Plumber! No investigation, no report, Liberian National Police isn’t telling you about this incident, while Police Boss, Patrick Sudu shares his nudes with young girls and sit in office sexting all time. Sad for us. That’s why we will March on July 19, 2021!
8, Did you hear about the Famous one month old baby who was raped by a 56 year old man in Harbel? It became the talk of the town but in the end, the child died and nothing was made to prosecute the perpetrator! In fact when the perpetrator was asked he said: he was fooled by the devil, so then eventually released by police..AGAIN??? That’s why you have to March with us on July 19, 2021.
9, Patricia Kollie is the name of a indigenous Liberian woman at age 34 who was viciously murdered in Bong County, for refusing to have sex with her boyfriend. She was killed on January 2, 2021. Numerous reports have confirmed that she was a resident of the auger Hill community in Gbarnga city, Bong County—no one knows where has the police gone with this investigation. Doubtfully, they haven’t heard about this, because they are concerned about extorting from citizens and building tie with criminals.
10, Emmanuel, age 5 was a recent victim of sodomy in West Point. On April 12, 2021 Emmauel was seen on the “Kru Beach” naked and lying unconscious—till then, no one has identified the remains, police didn’t bother, so local community actors took on the responsibility to bury the kid. Those who buried the kid were the ones who found out that the child rectum was damaged completely and the he was penetrated!
Please share this and get on the alert—Liberia is becoming unsafe. For these reasons, we organizing a March for July 19, 2021, we ask you to join us as we demand for justice! Wear on your Black T-Shirts, Assemble at ATS On July 19, 2021, 8:00am to March with us!
Complied By:
Titus B. Pakalah
Liberian Human Rights Campaigner
March For Justice
[email protected]
Next: 20 Rape cases in one month to be published soon!
This is the start of the campaign to have the world looking up for things going on in Liberia that don’t have a solution. This is a walike, women and children are being sodomized on a daily and nothing is being done to bring justice to the family for their lost.
What do we expect next?