Home News Liberian Politician’s Premature Remarks on U.S. Presidential Race Draw Criticism

Liberian Politician’s Premature Remarks on U.S. Presidential Race Draw Criticism

Monrovia, July 21, 2024 – Political acumen and timing have once again come under scrutiny in Liberia as certain politicians continue to display a lack of restraint and understanding of the intricate political landscape.

The latest example comes amidst the high-stakes political drama unfolding in the United States, where President Joe Biden’s unexpected withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race has set off a chain of reactions both domestically and internationally. Following President Biden’s announcement that he had contracted COVID-19 and his subsequent decision to drop out of the race, Vice President Kamala Harris has been positioned to run against the Republican candidate, former President Donald Trump.

This unexpected shift has generated considerable attention and speculation worldwide. In Liberia, Assistant Minister for International Organization at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Miss Karishma Pelham Raad, has sparked controversy with her premature and highly publicized comments on the U.S. political situation. On July 19, 2024, Miss Raad posted on social media,

I sense a historic moment coming for America. I see her (with Kamala Harris’s Picture attached to the Post) becoming the Next President of America and first Female President of America!” [Facebook – July 19, 2024]

This statement came just days before President Biden’s official announcement, leading many to question the prudence of her timing. Miss Raad’s follow-up post, made after President Biden stepped down and nominated Vice President Harris for the Democratic ticket, reiterated her earlier prediction. She wrote,

“I posted about what I saw coming 2days ago when my Ancestors send me a direct message: Today, President Biden have stepped down from the ticket for the upcoming election and Nominated VP Kamala for the ticket! PS: Let me reiterate, She will become the first Female President of America!!” [Facebook – July 21, 2024] [Attach a photo of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, his resignation letter, and an Instagram post she screenshots]

She tagged Vice President Harris’s social media page as “Kalama Harris,” further highlighting her enthusiasm. This is not the first time Miss Raad’s political allegiances have shifted dramatically. Eight years ago, she was a vocal supporter of Donald Trump. Her current position under the Unity Party government and her apparent shift in allegiance have not gone unnoticed. Critics argue that her position within the government should warrant a more measured and cautious approach to public commentary, particularly on sensitive international matters.

Social media reactions to Miss Raad’s comments have been largely negative, with many Liberians expressing disapproval of her open and seemingly impulsive remarks. Critics suggest that she may not fully grasp the responsibilities and nuances of her role, particularly in the context of foreign policy and international relations. As the U.S. presidential race heats up, the world watches with bated breath. In Liberia, however, the spotlight has turned inward, focusing on the need for political figures to exercise greater discretion and professionalism in their public engagements.