Home News Fire Service Gets A Better Fighting Moves in 2020 with the aid...

Fire Service Gets A Better Fighting Moves in 2020 with the aid of India

The Liberia Fire service got smiles on their faces as they await five new fire service trucks to get out of Free Port of Liberia (Trucks are currently in Lineria) to embark on fighting fire in and around Liberia.

The Liberia National Fire Service has been facing lots of challenges when it comes to saving lives and property within Montserrado County and the entire country. Reducing fire outbreaks and the number of fatality rates in the country is just what Fire Service is for, but lacking more trucks and other gears gives them no option but to fight with what they have on hand.

The government of India gives out to five new trucks that will help our fire fighters. India and Liberia are actually building a better relationship in this Pro-Poor time and the agenda is truly supported by the people of India.