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Embattled Speaker J. Fonati Koffa Falls Short of Majority Support for Second Consecutive Session

Speaker Koffa plans to take the battle to the Supreme Court as his leadership faces intense scrutiny amid corruption allegations and legislative gridlock.

The leadership of House Speaker Hon. Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa remains under fire after he failed, for the second consecutive session, to secure the necessary support to carry out legislative duties. Despite holding onto the backing of 30 Representatives in today’s session, Koffa once again fell short of the 37 votes required for a simple majority, leaving the House of Representatives in a state of deadlock.

While Speaker Koffa struggles to maintain control, a group of anti-Koffa Representatives managed to convene a regular session on Capitol Hill, surpassing the simple majority rule needed to conduct official business. The divided House has brought legislative work to a virtual standstill, as the political standoff threatens to dismantle Koffa’s leadership.

Accusations of corruption and a lack of effective leadership have been at the heart of the push to unseat Koffa. In response, the embattled Speaker has announced plans to take the matter to the Supreme Court of Liberia, invoking Article 33 of the Liberian Constitution. This article states that a simple majority in either legislative chamber is required to form a quorum and conduct business, but allows for a smaller group to adjourn daily and enforce the attendance of absent members.

As the House grapples with this internal crisis, the political drama intensifies, casting a shadow over the legislative process. Both sides remain entrenched in their positions, with the anti-Koffa bloc determined to see his removal and Koffa fighting to hold onto his leadership role.

The coming weeks are likely to see further legal and political maneuvering as Speaker Koffa takes his fight for survival to the courts, adding another layer of complexity to Liberia’s already turbulent political landscape.