The Unexplained Reasons Why Stone Luckshine got no Music hitting his fans for almost...

Awards winner music producer, master of songs production, the man that brought little artists to the front page, the genius that stood up for...

Hannah Actually Claims the Biggest Ass in BBL

This is one of the trendings things in the country, Big Barbee Liberia - BBL is moving with the most excessive speed in bringing...

Richest lies – Self Proclaiming – Parbai Can Lie O

At the party of Liberia self-proclaimed richest male artist, Mr. Parbai, people were expecting to see more of this rich man, but it was...

The Artist Called VAZ-BOY

Let us read little about VAZ-BOY and see what's been going on with him from day one till now. Though he's about to drop...

Forget Them Not – The Lining To Our Entertainment Empire.

We might see this as a no good sometimes, many people see it as an end game for people who believe in what they...

Liberian Ladies Are Not Appreciated For Their God-Given Talents – Pretty Zee Came Through...

Ladies are not left out of any show in the society any more, they now play soccer, basketball, they dance, normally they do all...

Ex Beg for Support from Media and Fans – I forgive Him

Interesting evening in Liberia on the very big blue app called Facebook. The ex-girlfriend of Kizzy W wrote a decent note asking the media...

You lose on Artist As An Event Planner Because…. Crallo and Billy At...

Before we jump to conclusion let us look at the first person inline when it comes to making the money, we will look at...

Karaoke Story With He and She – Karaoke Wahala

In Liberia, this has become a tradition that we bounce out of our homes to get entertain with some good sounds, music, and litte...

Is He The Most Expensive Young Man in Liberia?

I will call him the Gucci Man in Liberia or the Liberia community even in the diaspora. Gus is a young Liberian man who might...