It has come to the attention to address the unbearable things being said about President Weah by Ex Vice President Joseph Boakai. United Party Standard Bearer Joseph Nyuma Boakai made a few statements about how President Weah wasn’t even seen or making any contribution while serving in the House of Representatives when he was senator of Montserrado County. He, Boakai made these remarks when he was speaking to the Nimbadians, in Kanplay Nimba County.

President Weah made mentioned that Ex VP is not capable of carrying Liberia anywhere and he’s not the kind of man that can rescue anyone because he didn’t rescue his own home (Lofa County) for the past years he worked in the Liberia government. He further said he (President Weah) is a man that says yes and means yes, a man that says he will do what he does, as he has been in power for six years and this is the time for the young people.

Being exact about what President Weah said in the video in Grand Bassa while speaking to the citizens of that county, he said as I quote ” You worked in government for 60 years and couldn’t even rescue your own house. How can you expect to rescue the entire country?” Weah throws a question back to Ex VP Boakai, as he continue to make the people of Grand Bassa County hear more of what he has to say.

Our politicians keep throwing stones at each other as they release more information to the public that the citizens had no idea of.

The game of politics is getting interesting by the day as we get towards October the month that is set for Liberians to decide who’s to go forward with.

Click HERE to watch the video relating this article.