Home News The Speaker Of Parliament With Fake Academic Credentials – Exposing Bhofal Chambers...

The Speaker Of Parliament With Fake Academic Credentials – Exposing Bhofal Chambers For Lying Under Oath


By Martin K. N. Kollie

It is time to weed out fraudulent elements who have been masquerading with fake academic credentials in the public and private sectors. Liberia deserves far better than FRAUD.

A young but dishonest Jalal Layai Jayeni, alias Bhofal Chambers, returned to his native land with two fake academic credentials in 2004. This fraudster of a House Speaker was jubilantly cheered and given a rousing welcome by constituents of Pleebo–Sodeken District in Maryland County.

The people had no idea about how FAKE and BOGUS his combined “M.Sc. – Ph.D in Law Enforcement” from a nonexistent institution like ‘Columbus University’ was. The Columbus University is a Diploma Mill that awards fake academic degrees and diplomas for as low as US$500.

Why did Jalal Layai Jayeni, alias Bhofal Chambers, LIE to his people? After all, did he really have to LIE? Speaker Bhofal Chambers is the Liberian version of Ndubusi Nwabudike. Chambers did not only “Ndubusilize” his M.Sc. but he also ‘Nwadubikesize” his Ph.D. This hardcore hoaxer and academic criminal of a speaker must be made to account for lying under oath (perjury).

Speaker Bhofal Chambers is not different from former Speaker Nyudueh Morkonmana. They have homologous traits. Like Morkonmana, Chambers is a full package of FRAUD. Nyudueh Morkonmana of Grand Kru County Served as Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1997 – 2003. He was impeached for lying under oath about his academic credential from Columbia University. His credential from Columbia University was FAKE after an investigation was conducted.

Chambers’s credentials are also counterfeit. Here are 8 facts to prove my claim:

1) It is important to note that there are three (3) major institutions of higher learning that are linked to this nomenclature ‘Columbus’, namely:

a) Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia, USA (Website: https://www.columbusstate.edu/);

b) Columbus University in Panama (Website: https://columbus.edu/);

c) Columbus University without any physical address (Website: http://www.columbusu.com/).

2) The first two (2) Columbus Universities are legitimate and accredited academic institutions of higher learning that are located in the USA and Panama. The last ‘Columbus University’ is fake and unaccredited. And this is the bogus University that Bhofal Chambers is claiming to have obtained his fake credentials. Let it be made clear that the Columbus State University in Georgia is different from “Columbus University” which has an unknown address.

3) Let us take a keen look at the various websites of the three Columbus Universities. The web extension of all recognized and accredited universities in the United States of America ends with (.edu) and not (.com). This is as well applicable in most countries including Panama. I have attached screenshots of higher institutions in the USA to prove. The web extension of Chambers’s Columbus University ends with (.com) and not (.edu). Follow this link and see how fake this website is (http://www.columbusu.com/).

4) The ‘Columbus University’ that Chambers obtained his fake credentials from is an unaccredited institution that does not even have any physical address. On all public documents bearing Chambers’s fake credentials in ‘Law Enforcement’, he has only put USA as the address of Columbus University. There is absolutely no full address or physical address (e.g. P.O. Box) to locate this Columbus University that Chambers is claiming to be an alumnus of. Take a keen look again at their website (http://www.columbusu.com/).

5) Chambers’s Columbus University is a degree mail or a diploma mill. You can even stay in Liberia and purchase a Diploma, a B.Sc., an M.Sc., or a Ph.D. Academic credentials at this fake institution are sellable and purchasable. I am linking you up with these sites to further prove my case:

a) List of unaccredited institutions of higher education. Follow this link and look for ‘Columbus University’ under Alphabet ‘C’: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unaccredited_institutions_of_higher_education);

b) List of degree mills. Follow this link and check for ‘Columbus Univesity’ right after Columbia Southern University: (https://www.geteducated.com/diploma-mill-police/degree-mills-list/);

c) This links you up to a testimony of how Columbus University is fake: (https://www.geteducated.com/diploma-mill-police/degree-mills-list/).

6) The attached graduation picture of Bhofal Chambers is his only proof of obtaining a “combined M.Sc. – Ph.D. in Law Enforcement”. See how FAKE this picture is. There isn’t any other picture of a more formal graduation ceremony depicting that Chambers actually got a “combined M.Sc. and a Ph.D.” from Columbus University. There is no picture of him and his university’s president or comrades. The diploma cover in his hand does not even have any symbol or stamp on it. Chambers is indeed a FRAUD of the first order. The people of Pleebo–Sodeken District were actually deceived and misled. Chambers does not have any M.Sc. or any Ph.D. He has been lying.

7) The website of this so-called Columbus University cannot even link you up with the courses they offer in ‘Law Enforcement’. Follow this link to check and verify: (http://www.columbusu.com/degreeprograms/).

The only recognized credential that Bhofal Chambers has legitimately obtained is his Associate Degree from the William V. S. Tubman Technical College in Maryland. He enrolled at this institution between 1983 and 1984. Some of his classmates were Dadley Cheneyon, Robert Tuopay, Bill Davies, Obediah Boeing and many others. Why is Chambers lying about his academic credentials? Must he even lie? This is a national disgrace to our Legislature. Chambers’s B.Sc. in Law Enforcement from the Metropolitan State University is even questionable like his M.Sc. and Ph.D. are FAKE.

I have not seen such a fraudulent and corrupt Speaker of Parliament like Bhofal Chambers before. He must be EXPOSED for perjury and academic theft. In Part 2 of this series, I will dig out details and reveal more facts to further prove my case. Bhofal Chambers has “Ndubusilized” and “Nwadubikesized” his credentials. Why did Bhofal Chambers LIE to the people of Maryland County? He must be made to account for this FRAUD.

The National Legislature must impeach him for lying under oath like former Speaker Nyudueh Morkonmana was impeached for similar offence.

This is Edition #63 of our Writing Series “Under The Sycamore Tree with Martin K. N. Kollie”. Stay home to stay safe. Prevent yourselves and families from COVID-19 by observing ‘social distancing’ and ‘hand-washing’. Cheers from my end – MKNKimg 7256img 7255img 7254img 7253img 7252img 7251img 7250

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