Everyone needs to grow, everyone has a passion and a dream to push. Liberia is a nation full with untapped talents and many people see this as an opportunity to make their dreams come through by doing businesses and other things as musicians singing to make money and get a connection, models fighting for the connections, managers want to be connected as well and the list goes on. As many Liberians say, connections are the order of the day, what if the connection isn’t the order for nowadays but interest is the order of the day?

Photo at the deaf and dumb school.

A businesswoman named, Christiana D. Taylor who’s into housing estates(Eagle Landing House), has been one of the leading supporters of Liberian entertainers, from awards shows, self sponsoring of artists she has seen their talents require to be pushed and people who are essentially in need to make their imaginations come through, she has been there to push them. A thoughtful and open-minded woman that doesn’t ask for anything in return but to see smiles on the faces of many young people, for that’s her intention.

Miss. Taylor seems unhappy with the situation around her, where almost all those in the entertainment area she stood up for wasn’t there for her and hasn’t been in her favor but always thinks it’s best for her to pick her phone and call them when they have issues or when they send messages to her in regards needing help from her.

Photo grid with the President of Liberia, along with few musicians.

She’s a businesswoman and someone that speaks for all, but she seems broken few days after the incident that almost ruin the career of Cjay. She wrote a message about how she’s been treated and she’s not going to allow anyone think their dream or passion is better then her’s.

Her messages shows out now dissatisfied she is when it comes to how promotional she have been with talents and other people’s business and not one day any of these artists, comedians or public figure have have ever took to her business(es) shared or made a promotional post for what she’s passionate about.

She wrote.

Post made by Christiana on Facebook