Home Entertainment Entertainment News Tragic Accident Leaves An athletic Star hands and Legs Broken.

Tragic Accident Leaves An athletic Star hands and Legs Broken.


It is saddening to see one of Liberia’s determined Athletic, and passionate young men laying in pain from an accident that almost took his life.

Abass Fawaz is one person that you won’t be around and feel like you got to be physically fit and motivated by his stunts and his happy lifestyle.

Yesterday life took him by surprise, as he’s someone normally known to be a bike ride, always geared up and ready for the road. Unfortunately he got in a tragic accident that almost took his life, with so much pain, Abass broke his legs and an arm, as well as bruises in his eyes and his entire body, has a lot of cuts from the accident.

He wrote this to inform the general public what happened.

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He’s presently in the hospital getting treatment. Here are a few images from the hospital and the accident scene.

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Abass in the hospital getting treatment. Broken legs and arms.

This young man is in so much pain. Try reaching out if you can.

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