Just some days after Liberia Football Association Executive Committee Members Election that saw 13 outstanding football administrators through. These 13 will be chairing the affairs of the Liberia most embraced Sports activity (Football) for the next four years under the Chairmanship of Mustapha Raji.
The big news is not the re-elected of the one and only female Executive Committee Member (ECM) in the team, in the person of Madam Jodie Seton Ried – the great news is the Honor bestowed on the active, game changer and hardworking sport woman by the Confederation of African Football (CAF), some days after the LFA election at the SKD Sport Complex.

No doubt, Madam Seton, has brought speed development and reformation to the LFA within her first tenure. She has been a wonderful motivator to the Liberia Female Football, as all players sees her as a mother and a fighter for gender balancing in sport arena, most especially in Football.

Madam Seton CAF was notified yesterday – April 20, 2022 by the CAF Secretary General Vèron Mosengo-Omba through official communication that stated – “?? ?ℎ? ??ℎ??? ?? ??? ????????? ??. ??????? ???????; ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?ℎ?? ??? ℎ??? ???? ????????? as ? ?????? ?? ?ℎ? ??? ???????i?? ????????? ??? ?????’? F??????? ?? ?????????? ???ℎ ?ℎ? ??? ???????”.
This is a great news for Liberians’, as we will expecting Madam Seton to build more relationship between LFA and CAF; as well to influence the attention of other African Countries Executives and Football Scouts to visit Liberia to engage and sign more of our talented footballers.

Let’s appreciate the little, so that more could be done and achieved. Thank you Madam, for your exceptional impact in the Liberia Football sector, we hope to see more and we appeal more of our women to please join the challenge and let’s make Liberia proud.