In Africa, many children are being pushed away by their families only because they refused to do certain traditional acts or follow some religious beliefs which are family-oriented. In Liberia, many young men and women’s lives have been sent down the drain only because their parents see it as not their responsibility to handle a child who’s not abiding by their rules, especially rules that are family indoctrinated to stay in a family forever.

The world we live in today has made it known to all that everyone has the right to decide what they want to do with their life once they reach the age to know what’s good and bad for them, also it’s one right to live freely, especially now that the world we all have accepted to live in a civilized world.

Activist Mariama Tuzee Toure who’s from a Muslim background was neglected and pushed away by her family after she refused to take unto their traditional rites by getting married at an early age to someone that she’s wasn’t in love with and she was of age to consent, only to fulfill their traditional rites. For the past eight years, this lady has been cut off from all family activities, help, or guardians because of the decision she took.

Tuzee Toure Post

A post was made on her day(social media 24hrs story) where she made some points about them(her family now sees her important. To add to her write-up, Activist Asha Sheriff made some clarity on what happened to her colleague.

After going through all of this trauma as a young woman, she never denied her faith in her religion as a Muslim woman, but it is seen through observation that she had concluded that it’s not the faith of her religion that was acted upon but the belief of tradition by her family that made things hard for others like her to make the right choices in life by themselves, this which results to many young women going astry and doing things they are not in the right mood to do.

She’s now one of the youngest successful upraising entrepreneurs in Liberia; some question her business to her religion as to how can a Muslim woman sells and manufacture alcoholic substances when it is against their religion, but this does not put any stop to her as a venture in becoming successful.

Everyone has a story behind their push in life to be successful, this is just a little of Miss Mariama Tuzee Toure’s story the world never knew about. Today we have many men and women who are pushed against their will into marriage due to family pressure where a child is used as breadwinner, and some are forced by society because of unemployment.

Tell us your story today and let the world hear it.