Miss. Grace Koiwood High IQ’s is Making Ways for Her Through Her Academic Journey
Everyone has something they are good at, even if you are the youngest in your family, there will be a time to prove yourself worthy of your time in the family and today we have a spotlight on a young woman who’s oldest sister is branded into entertainment and a famous YouTubber, a DJ and a social activist, Wally Alicia Koiwood little sister Grace Nana Koiwood came through serving us with some academic surprise.
Her full name is Grace Nana Koiwood, born June 8, 1996. Parents are Joseph and Wede Koiwood. The last of seven children, she’s the 7th child.
Grace always aspired for greatness. Very bold and always wanted more.
-2014 she graduated from The Revelation SDA High School coming second in her class.
-2014/2015 She travelled to Ghana and attended the “Taste Catering Training and Services” for 6 months, where she obtained a certificate specializing in Sugarcrafts and pastries.
- 2016 Grace attended The YMCA computer school, while awaiting the reopening of TNIMA.
- 2016 She enrolled at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center TNIMA, where she studied Medical laboratory technology.
Graduating top of her class and awarded 5 certificates with “Overall Highest Average.”