CanC is Blind In Love and Her Religion, Christianity
The name still remains the same. CanC is back in the arms of her husband who she reported on many occasions that he domestically violated her on the streets, at home and in public gathering. After several posts on social media that she’s no longer going back to a man that has no respect for a woman and always wants to beat on her, she melted down with sorrows seeking sympathy for fans and the Christian worshipers, later she said she was convicted to Christianity’s not going to get back into the world things.

Could this be a way to pass time for the dance hall queen to get out of the church or she’s actually in love or there’s seems to be no way out out for any other man to love her as she is?
CanC is well known to get the attrition of the media either from her husband beating her up or converting to Christianity. She’s said to be back in the church and also have her first gospel music out to the public. Fans still called her CanC the Dance Hall

Queen and yes she’s still carrying the name With no time to waste, and is back with her husband for which they started the journey jointly and the hustle together in Asia and has acquired a lot of their money together.
Let us wait to see what comes out of this new lifestyle of the dance her gospel queen Her coming back to her husband draws out questions from fans like, “Have she tired and got no options to get another man?” or “Is she not compatible with anyone but this guy that beat her up for everything?