Bonding his energy to his many talents, CJay was the best sound Bilikon ENT every put out. A young man focuses on doing what’s best for himself, from in the house of God out to the public. Being held accountable for his actions in the recording studios, he always come up good with brilliant songs.
Under the management of Lyee K. Bility, it is scary to see his manager is no longer focused on entertainment, but he’s now more into politics. Sad to see Just Jones is the only playlist left for his fans.
Fans are complaining that their artist needs new management to push his career, because, under the management of Bilikon, CJay has been denied a lot of things m, such as nominations in almost all the awards, winning any awards for which he’s qualified. Such rumors are spreading in thin air and this could make a lot of things go wrong with the artist career.

Mr. Bility is no longer focus on entertainment, which is clear, what is he going to do now that everyone know his other artist ssuch as Kobazzie left with no good warning signs, Killer Beat’s career dropped off the scene after he went about from being a producer to an artist, Big Max got traumatized into substances that ruin his career and was pushed out of Bilikon, Young Zee who was the longest stayed artist career died down without any hope of making a song to amuse the ears of his own best friends. Are we now seeing the same thing happening to CJay in the name of a manager chasing his career and forgoing those he put behind him to lead?

Where is Just Jones? Bilikon Ent is one of the biggest entertainment brands in the country, will Lyee Bility sit and allow this brand to die down because of political activities or will he stand up to find a new manager?
The rumors around will soon hit his desk and it won’t be a good one to hear for a visionary.