Home News Where Are The Politicians That Used Them For Political Gains? Sad Truth.

Where Are The Politicians That Used Them For Political Gains? Sad Truth.


Life could have been more beautiful in Liberia only if politicians see the ordinary man as a man that his fate lies in to give him a catch to his(politician) dream of becoming that political leader he/she wants to be. Known to be one of the most insensible political leaders in West Africa, Liberians describe their leaders as such. Liberians political leaders are not credible to help those they ask to give them sovereignty. Once they don’t make it to the seat they fight for, they leave the common people they called citizens behind in poverty, disgrace, difficulty, and watch them dying from diseases. The youths are the ones always taking the lead in every nation development, but here is it, the youth that are mostly attracted to entertainment are not been looked at as people that need help in this time of COVID-19

It has been one of Liberia’s entertainers’ best way to hustle when it comes to favoring political leaders and their parties. This way most artists get to label these political leaders as the best among the rest, singing songs for them, formulating videos, and even wear their political shirts, caps, and running through the streets with banners and flyers in support of some political candidate. This is sad to see things don’t work out well for most of the artists after these folks take power or might not take power or the position they were running for.

Most of our artists, promoters and DJ’s have been abandoned and neglected when the whole political rally is over with, no more extended supports can come from anyone, due to this, the party or political leaders that are in power or position don’t care to extend their help to those that never supported them, and it even gets worst when those that help can’t even get help in return when their own political leaders are in a position to help. A online personality and a radio talk show host elaborate on this with a post, J-Mark Markai wrote:

I’m delighted to use this medium to speak to the Consciences of Government officials and opposition leaders who have used (Entertainers) in the quest of achieving their goals.

With this pandemic that is ravaging our country and the world at large; am yet to see donations from the government of Liberia and opposition political parties in respect to helping our struggling Music Industry that has over 5 thousand registered members.

As it stands, the majority of Liberian Artists, DJs / promoters, etc., are stagnated to a point where they are literally begging to survive during these critical times of COVID-19. All Activities have been put on halt. No shows / events organized to generate funds, the market is on a slow pace which makes it more difficult for their work to be sold. Note that 95% out of the above mentioned number of members are youth, as such, they should be prioritized because of their vulnerability in these crises.

It will be fair enough that you guys reach out to the Music industry and help. Don’t wait for electioneering period before you think of Liberian entertainers.

For the day shall come when we shall take you to the promise land; and when that time comes, you’ll reap what you sowed.

Thanks to our bro John Bricks for the donations made to the Union in the fight against the Virus.

Pls rethink!