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The USA need to use Liberia way to fight the COVID-19 as they fought Ebola


Richard A. Nisbett who’s a senior research associate at the African Center for Research and Evaluation states how Liberia conquered the deadly Ebola virus and if the United States could use that means it could take away the deadly virus from in the United States of America and through that means it will help other nations.

He writes.

”This is an important read. In the article, Dr. Nyenswah tells of the successes of the Ebola control program in Liberia. I was living in Liberia and as a public health/emerging infectious diseases specialist, I worked that outbreak. Dr. Nyenswah and his team certainly deserve kudos. However, the victory in Liberia was because eventually, the authorities began working with communities and community leadership. Efforts such as this rely on trust and in many places around the world, people don’t trust their government as much as they do their local faith leaders. Virtually every community–rural or urban– has a faith community that contains the trust reserve necessary to implement control programs. If the effort reported in this article is to succeed in the USA, it too will have to engage local communities and faith leaders, the local repository of trust.”

This means that Liberians working inline with the government and government working with its local leaders, church and mosque head as we will say religious leaders to talk to their people in fighting this virus as one citizen instead of being divided using Individual style to fight this virus.

The article he was referring to is this, click here and read more.