Most people learn about gunshot wounds from watching television or going to the movies. From “Gunsmoke” to “The Sopranos,” and action packed films, guns and violence are often integral parts of the story line. Being shot on the screen can result in instant death, drawn out death scenes, or heroes who brush off the injury and save the day. In real life, the same alternatives exist, depending upon what type of firearm and bullets were used, and where the bullet(s) entered and/or exited the body. It’s all a matter of physics and how much damage the energy the bullet causes.

When a bullet hits the body, all the energy it has is transferred to the body tissue causing damage. The heavier the bullet and the faster it moves the more damage it can potentially cause. The laws of physics state that energy is directly related to the weight of the bullet, meaning that if the weight doubles, the energy doubles. But energy increases by the square of the velocity. Doubling the speed increases the energy fourfold. The purpose of a gun is to make a bullet go faster.
Two months ago a beautiful lady by the name Bomenda also called on Facebook as Gorgeousbarbie Berber was shot in the head, this leading to a break down news to her family and her kid. She was almost announced dead by the doctor, even though it was said she could not make it due to the bullet and it impact. She told her story with few lines of posts after she fully recover.

The pain that runs through you to hear that you will not make it, it is so hard to accept, that’s one thing nobody want to get going for every, that moment where your life seems to be having no meaning to the ones your love, because you are in a state of mind where you can’t stay any longer.

Her testimony is great, what make this whole story of her a life changing is that it is very rare to see things like this happening. A life you once knew just passed away from you, it’s a second chance. She made few changes in her life and decided to live for God. She’s sound and has no brain damage.

“It took me a while to look at this images but today im ready to tell my story and how amazing God is and I will keep on do it for the rest of my life.
I got shot in the head 2 months ago , When I got shot the doctors told my father I wasnt gonna make it or if I made it I was gonna be disable.i was on life support, i had a emergecy head surgery, I had blood transfer in my head .I honestly thought I was gonna die and all I could think of was my children I cried to God. but looking back at this scarred pictures and videos and my life now .i only needed you God and God does everything for a reason , he showed me they is a living God and only him can give and take lives. blessed a living testimony I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS thankful to God”