Home Entertainment Junda Morris – She Has Fashion Our Runway of Fashionable Minds and...

Junda Morris – She Has Fashion Our Runway of Fashionable Minds and Branded Liberians Fashion Runway


Many of us have been opportune to see the life of our parents doing great things and some haven’t had the time to see any of this happening, so we look up to others who are like parents role model so we can learn from. Liberians are people that force every opportunity to be good for their benefits of others, and because it is so, many Liberians in and out of Liberia has taken their God given talents to do better on their own, where they can push success from their desire dreams.

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The elegance in their posture is so am amazing as they walk on the runway.

We have been monitoring one of Liberia best and most Influential lady that have strive her way through to make sure young people get their dreams of being fashion models reaching out to the bigger walk way through her program. The name speaks for itself when it is mentioned anywhere when people talk about fashion making among Liberia’s top fashion runway organizers, JUNDA WESLIE YEDE MORRIS KENNEDY.

We asked her a few questions that she never kept quiet in answering us, through her explanation you will know what she was asked by us.

Her Story:

Age I got Inspired: At age 13 I got Inspired to do events in Liberia. Over the years I built upon that and evolved overtime. Being the youngest Stote Manager at 20 years old for Fashion Bug sparked my interest more for the Fashion Industry.

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Ladies, girls and gents enjoy the runway organized by Junda and team – All Nationalities come together as one on the runway.

My Intentions for Liberian Fashion Industry: I would like to see Liberian Fashion Industry being amongst the major Fashion hubs on Africa. Would like to see our Industry be able to do mass production of quality that can be exported. My goal is to create awareness for Liberia Fashion Brands as household names on the African Continent.

Messages for young entrepreneurs: Honesty is key in doing business. Your name precedes you. Look for a gap in a sector and fill that gap with your creative. Understand that money is not everything. Building network and roaming relationships can yield more then trying to make a quick buck.

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Boys and men are encouraged to be on the runway

Being a vision bearer in our society sometimes you get hated on just because of that. One must stay true to their vision in order to achieve success. Many will lie on you or make up stories about you without knowing you but be steadfast.

Her answers to our few short questions give a clear insight of what she is. Remembering the name Liberia Run Way, you think about Junda Morris.