Home Entertainment Entertainment News If 2009 Was a Year To Bring Back – Buddies Turned Brothers.

If 2009 Was a Year To Bring Back – Buddies Turned Brothers.

(GL) – People won’t believe how years flies, especially when they have what they have prayed for. It has been like 11 to 12 years since these young men became friends, Marcus who happens to be Maurice(CIC) best friend, they have been there for each other in rough times and good times. When CIC had a traumatizing time after the accident the led him to actually leap a bit when walking, Marcus was there with him and for him, he battles everyone on social media for saying the wrongs and u expected things about his buddy, even before then, Marcus was in the picture as a brother to CIC from high school days, (2009 when they first met in school).

Today’s which happens to be Marcus birthday (CIC refers to him as the oldest/big brother), it turns the table around as CIC writes a birthday wish for his buddy, if time was a visual thing, you can bet it, CIC would still want to eat from Marcus home as it was one reason he never went home soon after school hours, especially on a birthday like this, he will have to get his plate before saying good night.

Their friendship is a very strong one that has turned them into brothers, just that, they don’t even look alike to give them that kind of relationship, but we can bet that family is the one that helps you bring your dreams to life, not the ones that always carry the same bloodline or last name.

Here’s CIC post:

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