Home Entertainment His Lyrics Dont Tell A Lie – No Lie drops Living For...

His Lyrics Dont Tell A Lie – No Lie drops Living For Your Love.


Praising God is actually one of the happiest things Africans do these days, they worship in seasons and they are not afraid to shout the name of the Lord God anywhere. The Bible talked about dreamers and visionaries in the book of Acts 2:1, young men and older men will be the messenger of the words of God through dreams and visions.

Gospel musicians over the years have been in constant competition as to who’s actually singing for God and who’s sending a bigger message to those who don’t believe in Christ to come out and believe in him(GOD and JESUS CHRIST) through glorifying songs, Praise, and worship.

A young Liberian gospel artist by the name NO LIE believes that love is a unique thing to bound religions especially among the Christians where there are many doctrines but one faith through Jesus Christ and they are all united by one name called Christians. He sang a love song for all those that are in love and been waiting for the right time to say I DO, listening to the line in the song that pointed out an age range, 13-24 years you can tell that part of the song has to do with him (NO LIE) personally.

His modern style to gospel music is so cool, it sets a challenge for younger gospel artists in Liberia, his love for music has been carrying him long before the media noticed him. He dropped a song a few months ago called Friend it was exceptional.

No Lie songs tell no lies, the songs he sings have a lot of facts and have Christians messages to prove love. He said to Gossip Liberia, ”I am coming up with an EP and I pray that my fans get it soon.”

His recent track called Living For Your Love drops a few days ago on his YouTube Channel, this is the song that got the true message of love. This is the song he sang talking about his 13-24 years. Click the link to listen and watch the full video. Watch Full Video

As fans wait on his EP she gets the studio working harder than before.