Home Entertainment Beevonne Empire signed Two New Artists

Beevonne Empire signed Two New Artists


The name BeeVonne Record is taking over Liberia musical industry, as it signed its first artist a year ago. This label record is one of the fastest-growing labels in the history of Liberia, they have had several programs since the signing of their first artist, JSlught.

Today at Anglers Bar and Grill, which is the home of their ambassador JSlught, two new artists were signed to their label record, George M. Kabbah commonly known as Muzikal and Candace Cooper, her music name is Kandace.

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Muzikal signing artist contract

Muzikal has been doing things on his own before signing to a record label, he has a couple of songs, singles, and features, as for the lady that join the Empire, she has no record out yet, studio releasing of her songs will be out soon as her empire awaits her joints to be completed.

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Kandace signing artist contract

If you see her, you see her look like Simi from Nigeria, she’s slim, small voice and to be honest she looks smart in her dressing.

Now that BeeVonne Empire has three great artists, it shows that they are not competing with anyone, but making the best out of talents that are so many in Liberia.

Plus Liberia happens to be side by side in branding these artists to reach their goals.

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Artists along with their team

Let us wait to see what next coming from these artists, as their fans are rejoicing to the news of this great achievement from their favorite artists.

JSlught Welcome the two new artists to his team. As they do the welcome shake and family shake.

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