Minister Jackson, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is under Foreign Ministry Internal Investigation for allegedly leaking sensitive information about the ministry to Local Media Institutions.
Scores of Media Institutions including Okfm recently quoted anonymous sources directly from the Ministry of MFA about the Minister Dee Maxwell Kamayah singlehandedly running the ministry without the Deputy Ministers and Assistant Ministers of said Ministry.
According to information from the Ministry, the Assistant Minister Sherdich Jackson reportedly leaked the administrative happening at the Ministry to the press, ranging from Minister Dee- Maxwell Kemaya appointment of friends and relatives to serve on several diplomatic Missions
Since the news broke out, Minister Dee- Maxwell Kemaya supporters have been accusing Deputy Minister Henry B. Fahnbulleh for the leaked in the Media because of the feud between the both Minister and Deputy Minister.

Assistant Minister Sherdich Jackson is a close confidante of former Foreign Minister Gbehzongar Findley who served the Ministry prior to the recent senatorial Elections when he resigned to contest in Grand Bassa County, during former Minister Findley Leadership, the current Minister of foreign Affairs was Findley’s principal Deputy and the pair could not see eye to eye.
Deputy Minister Henry B. Fahnbulleh posted on his official Facebook page ” the leaker has been caught, and he is Mr. Sherdich Jackson Assistant Minister for International Cooperation at the of Ministry Foreign Affairs, a formal complaint along with the evidence will be sent this morning to the NSA” the Deputy Minister asserted.
Following the Deputy Minister post coupled with other Cable TV sources from the Ministry, Cable reached out to the Minister at the center of the allegation Assistant Minister Sherdick Jackson immediately.
” I only screenshot a conversation from the chatroom and sent it to some of our colleagues who are not in the chatroom, I don’t know which purpose they use it for, I’m a Poro society man, I can’t do that, if i even wanted to leak information, that not this kind of information” Assistant Minister Sherdick Jackson told Cable TV in an interview this morning.
Source: Cable TV