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Arch Entertainment Linked Itself Back Home


Arch Entertainment is a Australian-Liberian base label that is established to promote, develop and share to the world Liberian acts and culture through entertainment.

The label is in search of a female artist (Singer) b/w age 17 to 25.

Interested candidates can send their music if they have and a short video recording of them singing any song to these contacts on WhatsApp;
+61435831706 and 0778857799.
Or can send it through our
Email:[email protected].

Establishing a things for entertainment uses is a stepping stone for Liberians to take opportunity of. Many young women and men are trying their best out of Liberia to unite those home with them out in the diaspora through entertainment and that’s just a great thing to do.

Remembering back in the early 2000’s many where afraid to establish things they don’t have full control over, but these days everyone has an open eye and want to give out help to those who are in need and entertainment has been one of Liberia most supportive way to Liberians back home through those in the diaspora. This way you have almost all of the Liberia artist managers are fully supporting them from the USA, Australia and other nations in Europe and America.

Managers are not to be paying artists but it is a good deed thing in the Liberia industry to see managers paying artist, taking care of them on a daily basic, feeding, giving out homes, car and making the artist to live a good live. This is a great act of humanitarian to entertainment work and these big artists around here are benefiting so much from this, because their music are not actually selling.

With Arch entertainment it is a gate way to many young Liberians especially as they are encouraging young Liberian Female to take the opportunity. It’s time to expand your creativity because with this you will have all the best you desire to get your career a push start.

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